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The Cleaning My Acts Project


At this phase of my brand-new life, I had decided to clear all the dirt out of my closet. Simply to say, I need to clean off my acts for better days. I want to start afresh so I have to make it happen quickly. 


Last 2 - 3 years, I already started this project of mine. With breaking off unwanted yet fake friendship that does not benefit me in lots of ways. To this days, the remaining friends that held a special place in my heart, even though it is just a small numbers but still worthwhile.

The second progress that I had make is the changing of my career. I am looking forward to a job that has always been my passion, rather than working something for what I am good at.

In 2 years, with the bless of God Almighty, may I be granted success in my career.

list of changes.

  1. fake friends ~ read more here.
  2. career
  3. fashion style
  4. bedroom style - completed! (I will upload images of my newly renovated bedroom!)
  5. lifestyle


I have make two changes so far and I hope to achieve with the remaining three. I will not set any target dates but would like it to achieve before I reach the age of 40.
