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Agenda's change?

Well, I had created the pages that I had mentioned in my previous blog entry > The Update and The Main Dish. Go check it out!

Now for today's agenda. I am scheduled to go for my morning walk but thanks to my Mr. G that I had to skip the session. (Too sleepy to get off my bed.) Then, I was supposed to 're-potting my plants' but till now I am procrastinating the task. (I WILL get it done by today...or not.)

The truth is I am sleepy. Tiredness and more tiredness from the past few days of hard core study! But I can't behave this way! I need to get my butt off from this comfy chair and get started my today's agenda.

The only thing that I did managed to do was clearing off my textbooks off Mr. G's window seat. And prepare for my reading materials for later session.

Or maybe I could swap tomorrow agenda to today and vice versa...hmmmm?

Anyway, I've been thinking of creating a snippet page of my daily happenings of my boring life event. Because I could not just keep on creating blogging entry just to write something nonsense right?! Best example is like this blog entry. It is full of meaningless writings. I would name this snippet page as 'Daily Snippet'  and close it daily. And start the first entry each day and updates in-between.

How about that, peeps?

Let's get that started.

Syikien Oyob
