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remember me?


It has been a year and more now since my last blog post. Here I go again being a LAZY writer. Well, I do not deny that fact and let's just say I embrace the fact that I am a LAZY writer. (That's the only way for me to MOVE on with my life. Just embrace whatever stuff thrown at me.) 

Anyway, let's just said that I FEEL like writing again and let's just PRAY that I will remain writing moving forward, ok. To get things started, well I am still in the middle of my nursing course. A week from now I will begin my Semester 2 clinical attachment. And a month and a half I will be on my way to Seoul (visiting my second home). A week after I return home from Seoul, I will be started the third semester which I am so scare of. Well, let me narrow down to what I am afraid of - > whether I did enough to pass my Pharmacology paper. I am trying my hardest to put it aside from my mind but thinking of my fate. But I will know about it BEFORE I fly off to Seoul (the exam result will be aired somewhere at the last 2 weeks of my clinical attachment.) And until then I will be a dead zombie. 
Future me?

This is just so me am I not. If something really trouble me I will turn to blogging and trying my hardest to get distracted. Should I pray to Allah for some divine intervention? Well He did mention that whenever we HIS slave, in trouble or facing certain calamity we are allow to seek for HIS presence. And I know from the bottom of my heart I should be doing just that. I can't turn my back on HIM no longer. I have been a bad servant of HIM. Full of sins and none repenting even a bit. 

Anyway, this is my first post after months that comes to more than a year now, truly apologize for such mellow post. But what can I do? This is just me. I turn to writing whenever I am feeling down. I will be updating some of the posts such as The clean my act project and The Poem. 

Stay tune for more from me.
