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Showing posts from July, 2019

Daily Snippet - Agenda Swap? *Updated*

Tuesday (30/7) 19:18 ~ [Mood - Tired.] End up I did both agendas - re-potting and clear off my bookshelf. And due to that I have lost the mood to read. Maybe later tonight. 12:35 ~ [Mood - Sleepy.] I think I grab a quick shower and then clear off my bookcase (tomorrow agenda) and hit the bed with my book to read! 

Agenda's change?

Well , I had created the pages that I had mentioned in my previous blog entry > The Update and The Main Dish . Go check it out! Now for today's agenda . I am scheduled to go for my morning walk but thanks to my Mr. G that I had to skip the session. ( Too sleepy to get off my bed. ) Then, I was supposed to 're-potting my plants' but till now I am procrastinating the task. ( I WILL get it done by today...or not. ) The truth is I am sleepy . Tiredness and more tiredness from the past few days of hard core study! But I can't behave this way! I need to get my butt off from this comfy chair and get started my today's agenda. The only thing that I did managed to do was clearing off my textbooks off Mr. G's window seat. And prepare for my reading materials for later session. Or maybe I could swap tomorrow agenda to today and vice versa...hmmmm? Anyway, I've been thinking of creating a snippet page of my daily happenings of my boring life event. Beca

Well,  I am here again writing on my comeback on second day. (Hope I will keep on writing. Finger cross!) Anyway I had plans to how to motivate me to write further. So far I just continue with the writing sections that I had previously created, such as 'The Poems' & 'The Cleaning of my act project'. And not forgetting 'The Snapshot' which I did some modification of splitting it into 2 separate sections - mine images and my son Garfield.  (I will upload some of latest images but make no promise of when I will get it done tho.) And for further improvising of my blog page I thought of creating 3 brand new sections - 'The Book Reviews', 'The Main Dish' & 'The Update'. Well, what is it all about...clearly it is has what the title stated. ' The Book Reviews ' will entail books that I have currently finish reading (which due to my ongoing nursing course, it will takes me almost a year to clear one book! damn!!). ' The Up

remember me?

hello .  It has been a year and more now since my last blog post.  Here I go again being a LAZY writer.  Well, I do not deny that fact and let's just say I embrace the fact that I am a LAZY writer. (That's the only way for me to MOVE on with my life. Just embrace whatever stuff thrown at me.)  Anyway , let's just said that I FEEL like writing again and let's just PRAY that I will remain writing moving forward, ok. To get things started, well I am still in the middle of my nursing course. A week from now I will begin my Semester 2 clinical attachment. And a month and a half I will be on my way to Seoul (visiting my second home). A week after I return home from Seoul, I will be started the third semester which I am so scare of. Well, let me narrow down to what I am afraid of - > whether I did enough to pass my Pharmacology paper. I am trying my hardest to put it aside from my mind but thinking of my fate. But I will know about it BEFORE I fly off to Seoul (th