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The Main Dish


This blog section will focus on topic that classified as something deep and 'heavy'. The topic genre it can varies from health all the way to a very sensitive topic such as terrorism. However, I will ensure that it won't be one of the topic due to the nature of my professional career.


The voice of opinion in the chosen topic will be 100% from my train of thoughts and surely I will credit if I am using someone's statement. And again to the nature of my own self integrity, I will disable comment sections. Because if I don't want to get in any nature of argument, whereby I still want to vent on the topic, I should shutting down any certainties of comments means.

taboo topic.

Nabi Muhammad saw or better known to us Muslim as Rasullulah saw. I will type this warning in bold: Do not touch on topic relating to Rasullulah saw


It won't be too fast that I will post. Maybe once a month or biweekly. Because I will might need to do some research though.
