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The Poems *Updated*


During my high school, one of my core subject has been Literature and Arts. Well, I may not excel in drawing and painting, but I enjoy appreciating the wonder of great arts. My personal favorite art movement got to be Impressionism. Great artists such as Renoir, Monet, Manet, Degas, Matisse, Cezanne, Sisley and dear Mdm. Mary Cassatt has always been my most favorite Impressionist artistes.

Literature by itself touches the topic of Classic playwright and stage-act. Not forgetting Poetry.  I much prefer classical poets with their wonder use of English words written. Classical poets of my favorites has been plenty but allows me to narrow it down to my top 3 favorite poets:

  1. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  2.  Emily Dickinson
  3. Dylan Thomas


I could never thought I could write something that sounds like poems or prose. I think the excellent prose writer should be the Bard himself.

But for me where I first started to write my original poem, it has heavily inspired by a young poet name Lang Leav, not forgetting her partner Micheal Faudet.

Very inspiring and seriously in love with their works.

So I prepared a hardcover book that I had bought from Seoul, with an ink pen, I started my poem writing journey. So far, I had written more than 20 poems and proses, which I will share it here weekly.


The contents of my poems laid heavily on the subject of single-hood, feminism and emotion. Bare this in mind, I am very new in writing poems. You may find it rather bland and boring but hey, that's my original work. And who are you to judge, right?

list of my works.
